Masters Installation Cards from 2000 to 2009
2000 Master: William G Hunt TD CC
Design celebrating the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ by showing 14 of the many different crosses used in heraldry.
Design by Tim Noad from the College of Arms. Approximately 350 twin packs made with descriptive leaflet.
The cards were made by S. D. P. (Special Design Products) Ltd.
(A) White background. (B) Gold border.
2001 Master: Yasha Beresiner
The Bevis Marks Synagogue in the City of London Commemorating the Tri-Centenary 1701 - 2001.
400 Twin packs with a descriptive leaflet.
Made by S.D.P. (Special Design Products) Ltd.
(A) Blue with gold border. (B) Red with gold border.
2002 Master: Roderick G W Somerville
Playing cards as Collectables.
Design showing the Coat of Arms of the Company with playing cards and postage stamps and reference to the Golden Jubilee of HM Queen Elizabeth.
Representation made of St.Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh together with the fleur-de-Iys of France.
With 2 Jokers dressed in tartan.
Approx. 350 Twin packs with descriptive leaflet.
Design by Brad Baker. Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master.
Made by Games & Print Services ( Canvey Island, UK )
(A) Green background. (B) Purple background.
2003 Master: Graeme A Living
The design celebrates The return of Temple Bar to the City of London.
Built by Sir Christopher Wren in 1670, and removed from Fleet Street in 1878 to Hertfordshire, the gateway returned to London
to be incorporated in the Paternoster scheme, north of St. Paul’s Cathedral in 2004.
Reproduction of the Mediaeval pack made by the New York Consolidated Card Co. in 1897.
Designed with one Joker showing the original back design and another showing the original Joker.
Master's portrait in the centre of the Ace of Spades. Design by Brad Baker.
Approx. 350 Twin packs with descriptive leaflet.
Made by Games & Print Services (Canvey Island, UK )
(A) Black border. (B) Purple border.
2004 Master: D Mark Ladd
Installation Pack 2004 - The Bi-centenary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
Based on the first pack issued to commemorate the Centenary, the design utilises the 1905 frame and features a portrait of Nelson by Fruger,
HMS Victory, the Arms of the Company granted in 1982, the Trafalgar class submarine Turbulent affiliated to the Company,
and the Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London.
The faces of the cards are a reproduction of a pack made about 1805 by the card maker I. Hardy, including the Ace of Spades as an extra card.
James Hardy was Master in 1803 and so would have been a cardmaker at the time of Trafalgar.
The jokers are based on reproductions of the "Great Mogul" mark that could have been used on the wrappers for the cards themselves.
Design by Brad Baker. Made by Richard Edward Limited.
350 twin packs issued with a descriptive leaflet.
(A). Cream background. (B). Blue background.
Special pack 2004
Reproduction of the 1904 Special Pack, issued in aid of the Cutler Trust charity fund and dated 2004.
Approx. 2000 packs. Made by Richard Edward Ltd.
(A) Blue background. (B) Cream background
Special pack 2004.
Reproduction of the 1904 Special Pack and dated 2004. Presented by the Master to the ladies at the Mansion House Installation Banquet.
Approx. 200 Twin packs issued. Made by Richard Edward Ltd.
(A). Blue background. (B) Cream background
2005 Master: W L John T Card
The 250th Anniversary of the publishing of Dr. Johnson's English Dictionary.
Design showing portrait of Dr. Johnson and his house, 17 Gough Square, off Fleet Street in London.
Reproduction of the only known example of the first issue of Kimberley's Royal National Patriotic pack held in the Company's collection published in 1892.
Jokers featuring Dr. Johnson in his travelling dress, with the back as an extra card.
Master's portrait in the centre of the Ace of Spades.
Approx. 375 Twin packs issued with descriptive leaflet.
Design by Brad Baker. Made by Richard Edward Ltd.
(A) Blue border. (B) Red border.
2006 Master: James J Madden
The Time and Space Project at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.
Featuring John Harrison's clock design that conquered the longitude measuring dilemma for shipping.
Reproduction of the Hodges Astronomical playing cards published in 1828.
Jokers feature John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, and John Harrison, the clockmaker.
Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master plus an additional Ace of Stop forth & Son, the original maker.
Approx. 350 Twin packs issued with descriptive leaflet. Design by Brad Baker. Made by Richard Edward Ltd.
(A) Blue border. (B) Red border.
2007 Master: Adrian A Maurice
March 2007 - Bridge Packs. Design showing badge top and bottom reversed and diagonal title. Made by Richard Edward Ltd. With special jokers.
1) Standard pack. 1000 issued.
2) 25th Anniversary entitled. 150 issued.
3). For the Inter Livery Bridge Competition organised annually by the Makers of Playing Cards company.
5 packs issued p.a. & for further years. For the Inter Livery Bridge, Prize Winner entitled.
(A) Red border. (B) Gold border.
2008 Master: Alderman John R C White TD JP
The Bicentenary of Charles Darwin's Birth in February 1809 and the 150th anniversary of the first publication of his book' On the Origin of Species' in November 1859.
The images on the card faces refer to his naturalist collections while on board HMS Beagle during the 5 year world voyage which included the Galapagos Islands.
Design shows the ship, the Galapagos Archipelago and a portrait of Darwin.
Additional packs were printed by Carta Mundi for charity without the Master's Ace of Spades and the Company's Coat of Arms.
Similar packs were presented to the lady guests at the Mansion House banquet.
Approx. 375 packs issued with a descriptive leaflet.
Design by Brad Baker with a portrait of the Master in the centre of the Ace of Spades and the Ace of Hearts with a portrait of the Master's Lady.
Made by Richard Edward Ltd.
(A) Green border. (B) Red border.
2009 Master: Brian N Porritt
Commemorating the 800th Anniversary of the completion of the first London Bridge of stone.
Court cards reproducing pictures of London Bridge through the Ages.
Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master in colour.
Ace of Hearts with portrait of the Master's Lady. Approx. 375 Twin packs issued with descriptive booklet.
Design by Brian N Porritt and Brad Baker. Made by Richard Edward Ltd.
(A) Red. (B) Blue.