Masters Installation Cards from 1882 to 1899
1882 Master: Alfred Pearce
At the annual banquet in 1882 to mark the installation of the New Master and Wardens of the Company, each liveryman was given two presentation packs of cards in a leather case specially designed for the occasion.
The design on the backs shows the Arms of the Company supported by men in armour representing four different centuries, with four Knaves of Clubs set cornerwise.
The Ace of Spades bears four suitmarks superposed and Goodall & Son.
Square corners. No indices are shown on the cards.
(A) Pink background. (B) Blue background. (C) Cream background.
1883 Master: Robert Spice
Arms of the Company with crossed sword and mace of the City of London surrounded by playing cards.
Ace of Spades bears four suitmarks superposed and Goodall & Son.
Both the Ace of Spades and the blank specimen card bear the inscription This pack was designed by George Clulow for the Company of Makers of Playing Cards 1883.
No numerals or court card indices are included on the cards.
This design was reissued at a later date but without the reference to George Clulow on the Ace of Spades and the specimen card and with indices and suit markings included in the corners.
(A) Cream background. (B) Blue background.
Packs of cards were presented to the Lord Mayor of London.
Reissue colours white and green.
1884 Master: Thomas Dowling
Crossed sword and mace of the City of London. Centre shows House in old London tenanted be the Company prior to 1712 and
ribbon worded Health Exhibition, London 1884.
Ace of Spades bears four suitmarks superposed and Goodall & Son. No numerals or court card indices are included on the cards.
(A) Cream background. (B) Blue background.
At a later date it was resolved to proceed with a limited reissue of the cards by the manufacturers Woolley & Co. with indices and suit markings included in the corners.
1886 Master: Robert Berridge
Arms of the Company with a design incorporating reversed figures of two Kings and two Queens of cards in colour and dated.
Ace of Spades bears four suitmarks superposed and Goodall & Son.
Design by George Clulow.
(A) Cream background. (B) Blue background..
Some later reissues of this card are also undated in the lower border as well as differing in colour.
1887 Master: Albert Altman CC
Special Pack: presented to lady guests at the Summer Meeting on 2 July.
Reproduction of Le Jeu des Reynes Renommees of the year 1643. With plain backs and gilt edges.
In a red leather slide case with explanatory leaflet by George Clulow.
Produced to coincide with the Golden Jubilee of H.M. Queen Victoria.
Arms of the Company and the City of London. Hand of Cards. Royal Crown, and the words Jubilee 1887 in celebration
of the Golden Jubilee of H.M. Queen Victoria.
Ace of Spades bears four suitmarks superposed and Goodall & Son.
(A) Pink background. (B) Blue background.
Variations in the colours of the earlier designs may be discovered due to reissues by different manufacturers at later dates.
For example the 1882 may be found in cream and the 1886 in Turquoise Green.
1888 Master: Charles Horsley JP
Special Pack: presented to lady guests at the Summer Meeting on 3 June.
Reproduction of Richard Blome’s Heraldic Playing Cards of the year 1684. With plain backs and gilt edges.
In a plain slide case with explanatory leaflet by George Clulow.
In 1888 the Master referred to the sale to the public generally by Goodall & Son of the packs of cards presented in past years at the Installation Banquets,
and he stated that steps would have to be taken to prevent this happening again in the future.
Two designs of cards were submitted by Goodall & Son for the Banquet but it was resolved to invite designs from other makers. Five other designs were submitted and that sent by Marcus Ward & Co. was selected with the portrait of the Master in the centre of the Ace of Spades for the first time.
Arms of the Company supported by men in armour and dated. Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master.
Made by the Worshipful Company, (probably Woolley & Co.).
Design by Marcus Ward & Co.
Sea-green coloured background.
1889 Master: George Clulow
Arms of the Company surrounded with lilies of the valley and forget-me-nots, and dated.
Made by the Worshipful Company, (probably Woolley & Co.)
(A) White background with Ace of Spades with portrait of George Clulow.
(B) Blue background with Ace of Spades with portrait of George Clulow as Master of the Worshipful Company.
1890 Master: F Frampton Day CC
Special Pack: presented to lady guests at the Dinner in July at the Painters Hall. A pack issued by “Bancks Brothers, late Hunt”, in a red cloth slide case.
Figured backs showing a black and white drawing of the Arms of the Company.
Arms of the Company and the Fives of each suit of cards surrounded with forget-me-nots and dated.
Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master.
Made by the Worshipful Company, (probably Woolley & Co.).
(A) Cream background. (B) Green background.
In April 1892 it was resolved to proceed with a limited reissue of the 1890 cards by the manufacturers Woolley & Co.
which have larger suit pips and date in the design.
1891 Master: William Malcolm
Arms of the Company supported by men in armour on a plinth. Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master. Made by Goodall & Son. 400 packs issued. Undated. Gilt edges.
A White background B Pink background
On Saturday 26th November 1892 at a ceremony held in the Painters Hall, the Court of the Worshipful Company agreed to confer on Lady Charlotte Schreiber the Honorary Freedom of the Company and a Certificate contained in a polished oak casket was presented to her for her work on playing cards and her collection which eventually formed the basis of the playing card collection in the British Museum.
1893 Master: James Edgell CC
The design shows the Arms of the Company, the City of London and the Master, together with a portrait of the Master and in the background the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral and the date. The Ace of each suit decorated with a wreath and coloured flowers and the name Chas. Goodall & Son. The Court cards represent the Royal costumes of four reigns in English history. Clubs - Plantagenet. Diamonds-Tudor. Hearts -Stuart. Spades-Hanoverian. (Histmic Series B).
A Cream background B Pink background
Reissue colour Green.
1894 Master: Harry S Foster MP
Arms of the Company supported by men in armour and dated. Arms of the City of London and the Master above, and Tower Bridge and the dome of St. Paul's Cathedral below. The picture of Tower Bridge was included in order to commemorate the opening of the bridge by H.R.H. Prince of Wales. Designed and made by Goodall & Son. Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master.
A Cream background B Pink background
1895 Master: Tom Wilkinson
Seated female figure completing the writing of the Charter for the Records of the Company Incorporated in 1628. Arms of the Company, the City of London and the Master together with the date. Made by Goodall & Son.
Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master. A White background B Pink background.
In April 1895 it was resolved that in future prizes be offered by the Company for the best designs for the cards presented at the Banquets, but eventually the Company deferred the competition to 1896.
It was advertised in the Studio magazine in August 1896 and as a result seventy-two designs were submitted
to a Design Committee for selection.
1896 Master: Henry D Phillips
Miss Patience. Lady in a fancy dress holding a playing card and standing in front of a screen decorated with suitmarks.
Made by the London Playing Card Co., 25 Kings Road , London.
Ace of Spades with portrait of the Master. A Cream background B Blue background.